High-quality fuels and ultimate convenience to keep you mobile
Buying fuel is a necessity and regular activity for all private motorists and most businesses. Increased mobility improves our lives in many ways and drives economic growth.
To help keep our citizens, businesses, and other organisations on the move we provide high- quality petrol and diesel via our constantly expanding and conveniently located network of filling stations in Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda.
Our locally-employed staff members are trained to a high standard to ensure you get the best service, a friendly and helpful attitude, and competent advice – delivering ultimate convenience and a feel-good experience.
We also supply fuel in bulk to commercial customers, e.g. mines, large enterprises, local and national government departments, defence and police agencies, etc.
High-quality fuels and ultimate convenience to keep you mobile
Buying fuel is a necessity and regular activity for all private motorists and most businesses.
Increased mobility improves our lives in many ways and drives economic growth.
To help keep our citizens, businesses, and other organisations on the move we provide high- quality petrol and diesel via our constantly expanding and conveniently located network of filling stations in Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Rwanda.
Our locally-employed staff members are trained to a high standard to ensure you get the best service, a friendly and helpful
attitude, and competent advice – delivering ultimate convenience and a feel-good experience.
We also supply fuel in bulk to commercial customers, e.g. mines, large enterprises, local and national government departments, defence and police agencies, etc.

suitable for all vehicles.

Key benefits of buying your Petrol and Diesel from UNO Energies:

We stock and supply unleaded petrol
suitable for all vehicles.

We stock and supply low-sulphur diesel suitable
for cars/automobiles, pickups, LDVs, trucks and other heavy-duty and commercial vehicles.
Key benefits of buying your Petrol and Diesel from UNO Energies:

We have a network of gas stations across Zambia and Tanzania and are steadily expanding our footprint in Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. We also offer bulk fuel supply in all these countries.
Our team is passionate about providing for your energy needs and is specially trained to help you get the right fuel and lubricants through a quick and efficient delivery.